The documentary Seaspiracy is harrowing to watch but you must watch it. Everyone on the planet should see it, urgently, because one of its major impacts is to break the news of how far advanced we are in our reckless rush to destroy our own world. It shows – not carelessness or waste or the effects of things we can’t see but are beginning to recognise (global warming & the melting of ice caps, e.g.) – but deliberate, calculated destruction; indiscriminate slaughter of marine life and the laying waste of oceans.

This film broke something in me. It shattered the glass floor of my mind. A thing I’ve often said about writing is that it’s a way to explore what it is to be human in our time. This documentary showed me what a local, personal level I work on. To realise what it really means to be human in our time is terrifying. The horrendous, wholescale greed, cruelty and destruction our species is capable of left me feeling that as a species we may not be worth saving.

I can’t imagine the courage and distress of making it – and maybe there is hope and a vestige of consolation there, because the urge, ability and bravery to tell a story like this in the best way possible against overwhelming odds is human too­ (Thank you Ali and Lucy Tabrizi for that crumb of hope). There are people who resist what’s happening in our oceans. There are people who put their lives on the line – and lose.  

I’m not going to say more about it. I realise that what I’ve written here is unlikely to send you rushing to the nearest screen, but you must, you really must, watch this. Be warned, brace yourself, but watch it.

There have been arguments against the documentary, moves to debunk it, some of its findings are being criticised. Of course. But you know what you see when you see it. Read George Monbiot. And the big question remains: Why do the big environmental organisations never talk about the issue of overfishing and destruction of the seabeds and coral reefs?

So watch it. Do your own fact checking later. Make up your own mind.

You can watch Seaspiracy on Netflix. See the official trailer here

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2 Responses to SEASPIRACY

  1. This is powerful, from a powerful heart. Thank you, Lia.

  2. Matt says:

    Documentaries have a special ability to make facts stick with us more than reading an article or something similar. I agree with you that it can be quite jarring to come to these realizations and feel hopeless and frustrated. It’s important as consumers to do research and support seafood companies with sustainable fishing practices. 

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